/manager/Index en-au 5 Overcoming challenges to treating tobacco use during pregnancy - a qualitative study of Australian general practitioners barriers /manager/Repository/uon:45141 Wed 26 Oct 2022 13:40:54 AEDT ]]> Chronological narratives from smoking initiation through to pregnancy of Indigenous Australian women: a qualitative study /manager/Repository/uon:30523 Wed 17 Nov 2021 16:29:56 AEDT ]]> Ngu-ng-gi-la-nha (to exchange) knowledge. how is Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's empowerment being upheld and reported in smoking cessation interventions during pregnancy: a systematic review /manager/Repository/uon:46486 individual and community empowerment in smoking cessation during pregnancy studies with Aboriginal women. Three interventions were found in published and grey literature. Elements of individual empowerment were embedded in all interventions. Interventions considered barriers for Aboriginal women to quit smoking and areas for capacity building. Interventions used health education resources. There was limited reporting of community empowerment domains. Aboriginal ethics and capacity building was the only criterium addressed by all studies. Interventions are incorporating individual empowerment, but seldom report community empowerment. The development of reporting guidelines or extensions of current guidelines would be beneficial to set a consistently high standard reporting across Aboriginal health interventions, similar to the work conducted to develop the extension of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses-Equity (PRISMA-E) for health equity in systematic review reporting. Reporting empowerment domains would reflect the government priority of empowerment to improve Aboriginal health, as well as enhancing knowledge translation into practice.]]> Wed 13 Mar 2024 09:40:12 AEDT ]]> When higher education is possible but not desirable: widening participation and the aspirations of Australian Indigenous school students /manager/Repository/uon:30375 n = 6492) from New South Wales government schools, this study investigated the occupational and educational aspirations of 432 Indigenous school students. While we found that Indigenous and non-Indigenous students held similar occupational aspirations, Indigenous students were much less likely to aspire to attend university. Most starkly, high-achieving Indigenous students were significantly less likely to aspire to university than their high-achieving non-Indigenous peers. Given this evidence, we argue that both the possibility and desirability of higher education must be addressed if the widening participation agenda is to meet equity targets for Indigenous students.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:19:19 AEST ]]> Feasibility of audio-recording consultations with pregnant Australian Indigenous women to assess use of smoking cessation behaviour change techniques /manager/Repository/uon:47248 Wed 07 Aug 2024 14:21:53 AEST ]]> Aboriginal Wingadhan Birrang (woman's journey) of smoking cessation during pregnancy as they participate in the ICAN QUIT in pregnancy pilot step-wedge trial /manager/Repository/uon:36864 Wed 07 Apr 2021 20:17:21 AEST ]]> Nicotine replacement therapy for smoking cessation in pregnancy /manager/Repository/uon:33622 Wed 04 Sep 2019 09:47:46 AEST ]]> Clinician factors associated with prescribing nicotine replacement therapy in pregnancy: a cross-sectional survey of Australian obstetricians and general practitioners /manager/Repository/uon:33554 Tue 04 Jun 2019 15:39:56 AEST ]]> Collective and negotiated design for a clinical trial addressing smoking cessation supports for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mothers in NSW, SA and Qld - developing a pilot study /manager/Repository/uon:33553 Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:31:48 AEST ]]> Feasibility and acceptability of Indigenous Counselling and Nicotine (ICAN) QUIT in Pregnancy multicomponent implementation intervention and study design for Australian Indigenous pregnant women: a pilot cluster randomised step-wedge trial /manager/Repository/uon:34419 Tue 03 Sep 2019 18:11:27 AEST ]]> Assessing and validating an educational resource package for health professionals to improve smoking cessation care in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pregnant women /manager/Repository/uon:30161 Thu 04 Nov 2021 10:38:17 AEDT ]]> The participation of Australian Indigenous students in higher education: a scoping review of empirical research, 2000-2016 /manager/Repository/uon:30374 n = 57), and identify areas where further research is needed. Despite a recent increase in research on this topic, relatively little attention has been paid to Indigenous students' aspirations while they are at school. We argue that future research should take account of school students' aspirations for higher education, including primary school students; the similitude of barriers and enablers across the student life cycle; differences within Indigenous community and among Indigenous students; and, the insights emerging from Indigenous methodologies and scholarship.]]> Thu 04 Jul 2019 13:42:38 AEST ]]> Improving smoking cessation care in pregnancy at Aboriginal Medical Services: 'ICAN QUIT in Pregnancy' step-wedge cluster randomised study /manager/Repository/uon:35625 Thu 02 Apr 2020 12:29:22 AEDT ]]> The universal appeal of Facebook©: Providing access to tertiary students from Australian Aboriginal communities /manager/Repository/uon:16125 Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:55:22 AEDT ]]> Exploring anti-tobacco messages from an experiential arts activity with Aboriginal youth in an Australian high-school setting /manager/Repository/uon:30514 Mon 23 Sep 2019 10:55:41 AEST ]]> Designing an implementation intervention with the Behaviour Change Wheel for health provider smoking cessation care for Australian Indigenous pregnant women /manager/Repository/uon:30510 Mon 20 May 2019 17:35:29 AEST ]]> Inclusive design in a virtual world serious game to improve adult literacy: problems, possibilities and tensions /manager/Repository/uon:35491 Mon 19 Aug 2019 09:09:24 AEST ]]> Supports used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women for their health, including smoking cessation, and a baby’s health: a cross-sectional survey in New South Wales, Australia /manager/Repository/uon:37496 N = 132. The 19-item survey questioned the likelihood that the participant would use the various supports for their health, to quit smoking, and for a baby or child’s health. Logistic regression analyses were performed on N = 98 with complete data. Older participants were less likely to use Facebook or the internet for their health, or the health of a child, but were more likely to consult with health professionals. Women who had quit smoking were less likely to use an app for their health compared to smokers. Women who had a child living in their household were less likely to use the internet for a child’s health. This community-based study revealed age-related differences for access to health services and differences according to smoking status. Patterns of internet and app use warrant further consideration when planning strategies to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children’s health.]]> Mon 12 Aug 2024 15:15:16 AEST ]]> Yarning the way: the role of Indigenous education paraprofessionals in guiding the post-school transitions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth /manager/Repository/uon:32611 Mon 09 Sep 2024 08:28:42 AEST ]]> "Building strength in coming together": a mixed methods study using the arts to explore tobacco smoking with staff working in Indigenous tobacco control /manager/Repository/uon:35268 Mon 08 Jul 2019 10:34:23 AEST ]]> Improving health providers smoking cessation care in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis /manager/Repository/uon:47759 Fri 27 Jan 2023 10:39:46 AEDT ]]> The untold story of middle-class Indigenous Australian school students who aspire to university /manager/Repository/uon:49195 Fri 05 May 2023 15:51:03 AEST ]]>